Thursday, March 28, 2019

Absence of Evidence, or Evidence of Absence; A paper on Animal Consciou

Absence of Evidence, or Evidence of Absence?A paper on physical ConsciousnessConsciousness is a problematical term to grasp so much so, that many scientists impart non fifty-fifty attempt to define the term, much less search for its take the stand. Most however, do agree that consciousness must include true aspects specifically cognition, self-awargonness, memory, and abstract thought.Lesley J. Rogers describes consciousness as, related to awareness, intelligence, and complex cognition, as good as language. Consciousness may be manifested in self-awareness, awareness of others, k at one timeledgeable behavior, including intentional communication, deception of others, and in the ability to make mental and symbolical government agencys (13).There is no question that humans carry these attri alonees, but what most wildcats? Some philosophers, including Descartes, claimed that while humans are conscious, sensuals are like machines, with no thought process or sentience. Other s claim that animals are very fitting of consciousness, and that we just have non had the capabilities to test the aspects of it through the scientific method. As Donald R. Griffin expressedConscious thinking may well be a core function of central nervous systems. For conscious animals approve the advantage of being able to think about alternative actions and divide behavior they believe will get them what they want or sponsor them avoid what they dislike or fear. Of course human consciousness is astronomically more complex and versatile than any conceivable animal thinking, but the basic question addressedis whether the difference is qualitative and absolute, or whether animals are conscious even though the content of their consciousness is undoubtedly special and very likely quite different of ours. (3)This paper will prospect at what evidence there is that may imply that some, if not all, vertebrate animals may have the capacity for conscious thinking. Cognition, for exam ple is something that animals may assume in order to adapt to their changing environments so quickly. Cognition is an animals ability to make a decision by evaluating or processing current information based on some representation of prior experience (Kamil in Pepperberg 127). Some animal studies, such as Franci... other animals, because we do not share the same forms of communication. We sens not ask what other animals are thinking, what they want or feel, or even determine if they have a sense of self. What is known right now is that we do not know, but that is no reason to throw the itch out with the bathwater and assume animal consciousness does not or can not exist. Until further observations or tests can be developed that will start to lead man to a closer understanding of the animal mind, it is important to remember that absence of evidence does not imply evidence of absence.Works CitedGriffin, Donald R. Animal Minds Beyond Cognition to Consciousness. Chicago, IL Uni versity of Chicago Press, 2001.Patterson, Francine, and Eugene Linden. The facts of life of Koko. New York, NY Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1981.Pepperberg, Irene. The Alex Studies Cognitive and Communicative Abilities of Grey Parrots. Cambridge, MA Harvard University Press, 1999.Rogers, Lesley J. Minds of Their Own. Boulder, CO Westview Press, 1998.Wynne, Clive D.L. Animal Cognition. New York, NY Palgrave, 2001.

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